Spirit Weaver Shamanic Mentorship

Are you seeking to deepen your connection to your Helping Spirits?

Would you like to learn many powerful Shamanic practices for healing Self & others?

Do you have a calling to follow the path of the Shaman?

SHAMANISM - Spirit Weaver Journeys - Bali, Indonesia

If you answered YES then the Spirit Weaver Shamanic Mentorship programs will give you the confidence, wisdom & tools needed to become a professional Shamanic Healing practitioner.

Now more than any other time in history, people like you are being called to step fully into their power and embrace their divine mission to be of service.

Spirit Weaver Shamanic mentorship programs will give you everything you need to share your healing gifts with the world. You will go deeply into discovering your authentic self throughout our time together & through the ancient Shamanic practices and initiations that I will be guiding you through.

Get ready to transform your life, for once you begin this journey you will not be able or even desire to return to your old self. The new self you will birth will be your purest potential — more joyful & on purpose.

Our Mentorship Programs

Pachamama is speaking …

Her voice keeps whispering in your ear, telling you that it is time for you to walk your path as a Shaman. Perhaps you have been ignoring her messages? Now her voice is getting louder, and you can no longer ignore her loving request to claim your destiny…

The path of the Shaman is not an easy path, as there are often many challenges a long the way — this is a path of courage, as we must face our shadow self and learn how to accept those parts of us that we have hidden from ourselves and others. 

Shadow and light are both needed. One can not exist without the other. As we walk the path of the Shaman, we discover how each of these elements gives us power and courage. 

“Shadow work is the Path of the Heart Warrior”

– Carl Jung

“Knowing your own darkness is the best way of dealing with the darkness of other people”

-Carl Jung

As you progress through your Mentorship Program You will notice and Receive


  • Increased intuitive abilities & stronger connection with your Helping Spirits

  • Deepening of your Shamanic abilities, which will greatly enhance your healing work

  • Greater clarity & confidence about who you truly are and your greater purpose as a healer

  • Your limiting beliefs and old patterns will be replaced with new positive programs that support you in reaching your highest potential

  • You will experience powerful journeys that will activate your healing gifts & elevate your frequencies

  • Clear protocols for all the Shamanic techniques that you learn

  • Allow these profound changes to flow into you and through you and you will be completely transformed in 6 to 12 months from now

I'm ready to expand my Shamanic knowledge & healing abilities