About Spirit Weaver Journeys
My mission
It is my mission to offer people a variety of retreat & coaching programs, along with workshops and trainings that provide everyone with powerful tools and practices to empower and transform people’s lives.
The more people’s lives that I touch, the more possibilities there are to shift the consciousness on our planet, so that everyone can live a fulfilling life. I am committed to empowering people so that they can fully embrace their sovereignty. My ultimate goal is to touch the lives of one million people.
My values
I believe that integrity, living consciously and holistically are important values that can foster more peace in the world. ‘Doing no harm’ in words and deeds is essential for creating a fulfilling life. As we continuously clean and heal our own core wounds and tainted memories, we can actually contribute to changing our external world and have a positive impact on many people in our lives and even beyond.
On every group retreat program, I offer one person with financial need a partial scholarship — especially someone who has devoted a great deal of their time and energy to community and humanitarian projects. I believe that it is important to ‘pay it forward,’ so that someone else in need will also get an opportunity to receive empowerment and healing.
About Maitreya Cempaka
My name is Maitreya Cempaka. In 2007, I became a Reiki Master which sent me on a whole new path that I never could have anticipated. I was a professional journalist then, so when I chose the name Spirit Weaver Journeys it represented my two passions in life – healing and writing.
Since that time I moved away from journalism and found my true calling in facilitating healing & transformation for others. I took the deep dive and became a full time professional Consciousness Facilitator & healer, with training and certification in Shamanism, Transformational coaching, Hypnotherapy, Access Consciousness The Bars ™ & Fast Track Technique™
I often remember arguing with my Spirit guides and angels asking them, “How can I survive doing energy healing. I need a real job that will support me!” They always gently replied, “Don’t worry dear. We will look after you. You will always have what you need so you can do your work. This is your true life purpose now.”

I began my training in earnest reading numerous books, taking courses and learning as much as possible so that I could help people who came to me with a variety of issues. I realized that there wasn’t one tool that would work on everyone, because each person is unique.
Our Spirit and our genetic makeup, our soul contracts and karma are all completely different. Therefore, each person responds differently to healing. As I delved deeper I felt a calling to learn more about Shamanism as this is one of the oldest Spiritual practices on earth that was nearly lost to us due to the rapid modernization of our world. I felt that I had done these ancient practices before, and that I was just remembering what I already knew.
Now I understood why I chose the name Spiritweaverjourneys – consciousness is the pathway to self discovery and empowerment. The Shaman journeys to the transcendent realms for healing and wisdom. She is the mediator between our three dimensional world and the unseen worlds.
Through this name Spiritweaverjourneys, I unconsciously opened the doorway to a whole new life that weaves together the magic of Spirit, healing and the life of the shaman. I am living that life and feel grateful that I was steered in this direction. Spiritweaverjourneys is the name of my soul path.
I offer all those who are seeking to heal, transform and be empowered in their lives, an array of healing services, including private sessions, retreats, classes, mentoring and much more. It is my honor to contribute to your life. It is an honor to walk the path of the Shaman.
What's different about me?
I have spent many years studying and practicing a variety of healing systems which I weave into my treatments according to the client’s needs. For example, in one treatment I might combine Reiki, hypnotherapy, Access BARS™ and Shamanic work. I’m like an ‘Energy Chef’ – someone who can add different healing ingredients into a session to facilitate deep healing and transformation. I love what I do! Every day I’m inspired by the people I work with and feel that I have found my true calling.
My earliest memory of being an Empath was at age four when I got the awareness that my parents were not telling me the whole truth about their relationship. While they appeared to be happy and functioning well, I could ‘feel’ that my mother was deeply unhappy. As I grew older I started intuiting many things about different people. I had the capacity to know what their past was, where they were presently at in their lives and what their future could be. As an adult, I have honed this ability further to assist people to find freedom from self judgments and limiting points of views. I do this by accessing their subconscious thoughts through my own intuitive abilities and/or through hypnosis.
I have had a rich life experience living abroad both in Korea and now in Bali, Indonesia. This has given me more cultural sensitivity and allowance of people’s differences. My perspective on life is much more expansive as a result. My clients can sense my willingness to receive them as they are, which allows us to have a comfortable rapport with one another.
I’m committed to my own personal development. Every year I dedicate time to studying one or more areas of healing which will compliment my practice and increase my skill level. I do this for both myself and my clients, because I know that the more I grow and transform, the more I can contribute to helping my clients. I feel that this is an important part of being a professional healer. One must continuously learn, self-assess, realign, and heal oneself before one can be an effective healer for others.
My practices are not ‘New Age’. I’m a very grounded and practical Consciousness Facilitator and healer who gives clients simple but potent tools to empower themselves and their lives. I believe that questions empower us and open us up to the infinite possibilities that are available to everyone.
Additionally, I have a bi-monthly podcast called: ‘Embodying Your Higher Self: Tools for Conscious Living’, which focuses on offering healing meditations, ways to heal ourselves using alternative methods such as breathwork & Shamanism and much more.
How can I help you?
Most people are looking for ways to be free from pain and suffering or stop negative thinking. With the hectic pace of life and the demands that most of us face with work, family, our wellbeing, etc., life can be challenging and unfulfilling. We can feel like we’re in a rut, and there’s no way to step into something greater. Here are some areas that I have helped many clients with:
- Clear any judgments or points of views that are limiting you
- Find freedom from anger, resentment, upset, shame and other negative emotions
- Release fears of change and move into the greatness of who you truly are!
- Discover easy ways to make decisions and move forward in your life
- Learn how to truly love & accept yourself
- Eliminate addictions or bad habits
- Find peace & joy again