Raise Your Vibration & Thrive in 2025

As we move into 2025 you may be finding tired, stressed or lack the clarity you truly desire to move forward in your life. These are all signs that your vibrational frequency has lowered which can lead to other mental, physical and Spiritual issues. As an energy healer I know firsthand what a huge difference it makes to have a high vibration. I rarely get sick with colds or flus these days because I make sure to take care of my energy system. I have some wonderful tips below that can help you raise your vibration so that you can thrive in 2025! Please write me and let me know the benefits you experienced from doing any or all of the below suggestions.

  1. Get grounded – Every day spend time walking barefoot on grass, earth or on the beach. As we are electromagnetic beings we require grounding to release tension in our body and nervous system. You will instantly feel relaxed and rejuvenated by just allowing all the excess energy to release from your body into the earth. There are a lot of studies that show the benefits of grounding for our overall wellbeing, especially our mental health.

  2. Move your body – exercising, πŸ’ƒ dancing, walking, swimming, etc, are great for both your physical and mental health. When we move our bodies we start to experience a natural high, as our dopamine and serotonin levels increase. Even if you have a sedentary job, you can take a break every 1.5 – 2 hours to get up and stretch or take a short walk. This will also help you with your concentration.

  3. Doing mindfulness or 🧘 meditation practice is also a great way to raise your vibration. There have been many studies that prove how meditation reduces our stress, helps us feel more connected with ourselves and the universe, as well as creating new neural pathways so that we can have a more positive mindset and stop all the mind chatter.

  4. Eating healthy has a big impact on our mind, body & Spirit. When we eat living foods such as πŸ₯’ green leafy vegetables and smoothies, healthy fats like coconut milk, avocados and olive oil, our bodies & minds function so much better. The brain 🧠 requires these healthy fats to have more mind power and clarity, while our bodies function like a car, when it’s oiled up we experience more flexibility and our aches and pains greatly diminish or even disappear. Of course drinking plenty of water is also very important for digestion and brain health.

  5. Surround yourself with positive people who lift you up. When we are in good company, this also affects our vibration, so be aware of who is draining your energy or who is actually fueling you up! πŸ˜€Β 

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