Shamanism - Ancient Spirituality for Modern Times...
MAY 16 - 20, 2024 BALI, INDONESIA
JULY 17 - 23, 2024
This 5 day in-person training will include everything in the Intro & Intermediate Shamanism trainings. An optional 6th day will be offered as a sacred tea ceremony to support you in integrating all of your learnings. This will be an intensive training with more focus on experiential learning. This training is for you if:
- You are already a healer & want to up-level your skills
- You have had some basic training in Energy Healing or another Alternative therapy
- You are a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) or Empath seeking tools to help you navigate life
- You would like to contribute your gifts and skills to the world
- You would like to deepen your relationship with your Helping Spirits
- You have a strong connection to nature & would love to learn rituals to deepen your relationship with Pachamama
Intro to Shamanism
Are you often anxious or stressed and feel worried about your future?
Do you lack clarity or focus about your next steps in life?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you’ll love learning about Shamanism, because it can help you fully step into your power & live an extraordinary life.
In this fun & dynamic experiential course you will learn about the tradition of Shamanism and the powerful tools you can utilize to transform your life.
During this training, you will discover how to journey to both the Upper World & the Elemental World to meet your helping spirits and power animals. As we deepen our connection with our Helping Spirits, we in turn deepen our connection to our authentic self and to the world.
Going on a journey is a lot like meditation, except you will have a specific goal of meeting and learning from your Helping Spirits who are your Spiritual Allies.
You will also learn/experience:
- How to ‘Power up’ and stay energized
- A potent 7 step practice for your daily life
- Journeying for guidance or healing
- How to do distance healing for others
- How to do a Power Animal Retrieval for someone else
- Simple muscle testing methods
- Soul Song to connect you more deeply with your soul
- Healing drum for healing Self & others
- Powerful Ecuadorian Egg cleansing ritual to remove illness & toxins from your physical & energetic bodies
Intermediate to Shamanism
You will go much deeper into Shamanism and expand your healing skills to enhance your practice and your life.
During this course you will strengthen your connection with your helping spirits through more advanced journeys and other exercises.
This training will also lay down the foundation for you to become a professional Shamanic practitioner and teacher.
This is one of the modules in the Spiritual Teacher & Healer Mentorship program which may be applied to this program if you wish to expand your training.
You will also learn/experience:
- How to do hands on Shamanic healing
- Qigong for staying healthy & raising your energy levels
- Divination using simple objects from nature
- Divination journey to get help for others
- Soul retrieval work for yourself & others
- How to clear disruptive entities from oneself & others
- Soul contract revocation for self & others
- Deep merging with your Power Animals & Helping Spirits
- How to lead someone on a Shamanic Journey
*2.5 day workshop (Minimum 4 people maximum 15
Ancient Spirituality
Shamanism is an ancient Spirituality that is more than 25,000 years old. It originated in the Paleolithic hunting cultures of Siberia where Mongolian shamans utilized the drum for both healing and inducing a trance like state. Once the shaman achieved an altered state, he could go on spiritual journeys to the transcendent realms where he would encounter his helping spirits. A shaman usually has many helping spirits and totem animal guides who share their wisdom and help him with healing. The shaman can easily communicate with all spirits, including entities and demons. He can also do soul retrieval work for someone who is lost or suffering from depression. Some Shamans prefer to work with the dead who have gotten lost in the Spirit world and need help to transition into the afterlife – also called ‘Psychopomp’ work.
Core Shamanism
In the Shamanic cosmology, the Spirit world consists of an Upper world, Middle World and a Lower world. The Upper and Lower worlds are the transcendent realms; we all live in the Middle world. Compassionate Spirits, also known as ‘Helping Spirits,’ are easily accessed in the transcendent realms. They are our allies who see the bigger picture. Their only agenda is to assist humanity with finding freedom from suffering.
I practice and teach ‘Core Shamanism’, which combines tools and rituals from several indigenous traditions. My Shamanic retreats & trainings are a conscious melding of the best Shamanic practices which include Peruvian, Amazonian, Mongolian, Native American and Balinese cultures.
Shamanism offers powerful healing & transformative experiences for anyone who chooses to explore this ancient spiritual path. It is the path of sovereignty, as there is no guru with all the answers. You are your own best teacher. Imagine what it would be like to have all the tools you need to heal yourself and be empowered in your life! How? When you go on Shamanic journeys you meet your helping spirits who will assist you in many ways. You can receive healing, advice or Spiritual knowledge that will help you live an extraordinary life.
Benefits of Shamanism
Ultimately, most of us are seeking to have more meaningful connections with ourselves and others, but so often we get caught up in the daily stresses of life. When we are able to fully surrender and allow ourselves to access states of higher consciousness through the use of rattles or drumming, we discover our authentic selves.
Through the practice of singing our soul songs, dancing our power animals and going on Shamanic journeys, we are able to deepen our connection with our soul and thus expand our consciousness. Shamanic practices such as these are ‘Soul Food’. Each time we move into non-ordinary reality states, we can discover new possibilities for living a life filled with deeper meaning and joy.